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How to Connect with edBMW

Over the last year edBMW has grown from an idea - into a hobby site where I have shared with the community what I learned about the BMW cars - into a thriving community of thousands of readers all contributing to the common pot of knowledge on the topic that we all share an interest in - BMW. As we've had such a steep growth curve over the last year I thought I'd share a few ways that different readers stay connected with the community. In doing so, hopefully newer visitors to edBMW might discover some element of who we are that they might have missed. I'd also love to get your feedback in comments below to help us keep improving.edBMW

The Blog

At you'll find the BMW Blog. This is what you're currently reading this post on - a place where I attempt to post information, tips, reviews, photos and links to what else is happening in the BMW brand around the Web each day. There are a number of ways of following the blog:

  • Bookmark it - many of our readers simply bookmark or set it as their homepage so that every time they log on they see the latest post.
  • RSS Feed - one of the most popular ways that people follow what goes up on the blog is via a news feed or our rss feed. This technology lets you subscribe to our site and be notified of updates on a variety of tools such as Google's Reader tool, iGoogle, MyYahoo , MSN and many other news aggregators and feed readers. If you want to use these to subscribe to edBMW you'll need to add this feed.
  • Daily Email Updates - if you don't use RSS you can still get updates sent to you once a day by subscribing to our feed via email. You can do this by entering your email address on this page.
  • Weekly Newsletter - lastly we have a weekly email newsletter which has been very popular. In this email (usually going out on Thursdays or Fridays) I give a short summary of each of the new posts going up on the blog in the week gone by plus highlight some of the best threads in the forums. To subscribe to this simply add your email address to the form on this page.
  • Social Bookmarking - The last way that people are using to keep track of the latest posts on the edBMW blog is via a variety of social bookmarking tools. You'll notice at the bottom of every post on the blog that there's a little button like the one below with the word bookmark on it (this button isn't on the front page of the blog - just individual posts). If you put your cursor over this button a little window opens up that allows you to bookmark the post on one of a variety of bookmarking sites. Some of the more popular ones are Digg, Delicious and StumbleUpon. In bookmarking our posts you have a way of finding them later when you need them but you also spread the news about edBMW a little and help us continue to grow.


That's a summary of the main ways that people keep in touch with us here at edBMW. Give us Your Feedback? How do you follow what's going on at edBMW? I'd love to hear your feedback to help us continue to improve what we have to offer.